We pray for you, their families, who have known the awful depths of loss. 我们为你们祈祷,为他们的家人祈祷,你们深深体会到失去亲人的无限伤悲。
Li Ning, the troubled Chinese sportswear company that is one of the mainland's best known brands, announced its third full year loss as it continues to bear the costs of a restructuring. 困境中的中国运动服装集团李宁(LiNing)宣布,由于继续承担重组成本,公司第三次出现全年亏损。李宁是中国内地最知名品牌之一。
It is well known that breakout is the most serious accident in casting, it will cause a huge direct or indirect economic loss. 众所周知漏钢是连铸生产中最为严重的生产事故,造成巨大的直接和间接经济损失。
It is well known that cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and radiation therapy often experience nausea and loss of appetite. 众所周知接受化疗和放疗的肿瘤患者通常会发生恶心和食欲下降。
Even under these circumstances, most of the firms prefer to pay a known cost or premium for the transfer of risk, rather than face the uncertainty of carrying the risk of loss. 即使是在这种情况下,大多数公司宁可付已知的费用即保险费来转移风险,而不愿面对不确定的风险损失。
Indeed, one neighbor, SOX9, is linked to hair growth: Mice without it are known to suffer from hair loss, or alopecia. 的确,附近的一种基因&SOX9,跟毛发的生长有关。据了解,没有这种基因的老鼠毛发就会受损,或者说就会患上“秃头症”。
More than a unique flavor, honey with lemon is also known as an alkaline food, a common combination which is highly beneficial in the treatment of obesity without the loss of energy and appetite. 蜂蜜柠檬也称为碱性食品,是非常有益的治疗肥胖没有能量损失和食欲。
Consumption of coconut oil, for example in a mixture with coconut powder and a bit of milk or almond milk, has long been known to contribute to weight loss. 比如说,摄入椰子油时混入椰子粉,还有一些牛奶和杏仁牛奶,长久以来被认为能减肥。
The substance, acrylamide, has been linked to several types of cancer including bowel, bladder and kidney, and is known to cause infertility and loss of muscle control. 丙烯酰胺跟包括肠,膀胱和肾脏的各种癌症有关,还会造成不孕和肌肉不受控制。
Buying cheap to sell high later is known as fighting for the hat, while selling at a loss to avoid further losses is meat slicing. 低买高卖被称为抢帽子,而在亏损时卖出以避免亏损扩大则属于割肉。
This phenomenon, known as diffraction, results in a loss of image clarity, Therefore, using very small aperture would lead to lose of quality. 这个现象,称为衍射。它影响影像的清晰程度。所以,用极细光圈摄影会使品质下降。
Traditional healers use Sutherlandia frutescens, sometimes known as'cancer bush ', to treat a host of ailments from weight loss to aches and pains. 传统治疗师使用Sutherlandiafrutescens治疗从体重减轻到疼痛等一系列疾病。这种植物有时候也被称作“抗癌灌木”。
Although it is known to prevent bone loss, its effects on fractures, breast cancer, and cardiovascular disease are uncertain. 尽管其降低骨丢失风险的作用已为人所知,但其在预防骨折,乳腺癌和心血管疾病上的作用尚不确定。
As known from the traits of chaotic mapping, its application to cascaded inverter can decrease the switching loss effectively and balance the working probability of each H-bridge unit. 由混沌映射的随机性和确定性分配特点,可以得出级联型逆变器每个H桥单元处于工作状态的概率是相等的,从而达到有效地减少开关损耗,均衡开关负荷的目的。
Abstract: For the normal distribution N(μ,σ 2), when σ 2 is known, the Bayesian estimators of loss function and risk function under different criterions are obtained, and the properties of these estimators are also studied. 本文给出了在方差已知的情况下,正态分布期望参数的估计的损失与风险在不同的先验分布下的贝叶斯估计,并研究了其性质。
Based on the signal model and the multipath channel model of CDMA, amplitude attenuation factors of the signals for indoor users arriving at reference points of known locations are estimated. Then the distances between users and reference points are obtained based on the indoor propagation loss model. 根据CDMA信号模型和多径信道模型,估计室内用户信号到达已知位置的参考点的幅度衰减系数,然后根据室内传播损耗模型得到用户与参考点的相对距离,再利用参考点位置对用户进行定位。
Thus, according to known results, we can further discuss the law of soil and water loss. 证明分析降雨的规律性.就能最大限度地揭示水土流失规律.以此进一步地探讨水土流失规津。
It has been well known that soil and water loss is the first eco environment problem which has been the crucial factor to limit sustainable development of society and economy in China. 水土流失是中国头号生态环境问题,已成为社会经济可持续发展的制约因素。
And the known sinks include photochemical decomposition in the atmosphere, loss to soils and uptake by green plants, chemical and biological degradation in the ocean. CH3Br的汇包括:光化学分解、被土壤和植物吸收、在海洋中的化学和生物降解等。
Probabilities of the healthy, marginal and at risk states of a system are collectively known as well-being indices, which contain more deterministic information than conventional loss of load probability and are more useful for system operation. 系统处于健康、亚健康、风险状态的概率统称为健康性指标,健康性指标比传统的失负荷概率指标包含更多的确定性信息,因此它能更好地指导系统运行。
It is well known that, apart from fiber loss, timing jitter is the key factor which limits the total transmission distance of the soliton system. 众所周知,除了光纤损耗,定时抖动是限制孤子系统传输距离的关键因素。
Since the improvement of amplifier and dispersion compensation technology, some well known fiber parameters, such as loss and dispersion, no longer affect the capability of communication system any longer. 由于光放大器和色散补偿技术的发展,已经使得像损耗和色散这样一些大家所熟悉的光纤参数不再对通信系统性能产生影响。
A simple known method is used to analysis the propagation characteristics of conical horn loaded with loss dielectric cone and the electromagnetic fields of HE mode which can existed inside the horn are investigated. 用一般的方法对有耗介质加载的圆锥喇叭的传播特性和喇叭内部HE模的电磁场进行了分析。
PSO is known for its fast convergence which would lead to the rapid loss of swarm diversity. 微粒群算法收敛度速快,这会导致种群多样性的快速流失。
We analyze the problem under the known or unknown process parameters respectively. Given fixed adjustment cost and the loss caused by the deviation from target to the quality characteristics, the adjustment strategy is presented respectively. 对过程参数已知和未知两种情形进行分析,由于调整需要成本,需要在过程输出质量特性偏离目标引起的损失和调整成本之间进行权衡,给出了两种情形下的调整策略。
In the case of the distance is known, the curve of energy loss with changes of distance can be drawn from the analysis, which is used to determine the transmitter launch power. According to the corresponding processing, the effective control of the distance is achieved. 在已知距离的情况下,分析得出能量损耗随距离变化的关系曲线,从而确定发射端所需要的发射功率,并进行相应的处理,最终实现距离的有效控制。
The Reliance interest is known as the definition of academic debate exists mainly loss said and interests. The author combined the said of the advantages with disadvantages of the two theories to put forward the concept of the Reliance interest Reliance interest. 对信赖利益的定义,学界素有争论主要存在损失说、利益说,笔者在结合这两种学说优缺点后提出了信赖利益的概念。
It is well known that fouling has caused great economic loss in the design and operation of heat exchange equipments. To date, it is one of the main unsolved problems in the heat transfer field. 污垢的存在给换热设备的设计和运行造成了极大的经济损失,是传热学界十分关注而又没能完全解决的主要问题之一。
A stroke, also known as cerebral apoplexy, is a disease with rapidly developing loss of brain functions due to stop or disturbance in the blood supply to the brain. 脑卒中俗称中风,是由大脑的血流供应发生中断或紊乱导致脑功能快速缺失的一种疾病。
It is known that the loss of the prestress force in tendons occurs due to elastic shortening, creep and shrinkage of concrete, steel relaxation, etc. in the condition of service of prestressed concrete. 预应力混凝土结构在使用过程中,由于混凝土压缩、收缩、徐变,钢筋的应力松弛等因素会导致预应力筋的预应力损失。